Blair Jamieson
Current Graduate Students
Fady Shaker (f.shaker-ra at

PhD candidate at the University of Manitoba whose main project is the analysis of electron anti-neutrino interactions in the T2K off-axis near detector. He has been developing a boosted decision tree analysis to improve the particle identification, and thus provide a cleaner selection of electron/positron candidate events.

Fady was involved in an electronics upgrade at the T2K off-axis near detector for the Time Projection Chamber Readout. This electronics was installed in Fall 2014 and is in operation taking data during neutrino runs.

Lori Rebenitsch (l.rebenitsch-RA at

PhD candidate at the University of Manitoba whose main project is the development of the neutron detection and spin analysis system for the neutron Electric Dipole Moment experiment being prepared for the Ultra Cold neutron (UCN) source at TRIUMF.

Lori has been involved in putting the first neutron detector prototype together, and will be bringing the detector to the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland to test the detector with UCN in June 2015. The proposal for this beam time was recently approved by the PSI beam physics advisory committee. She took all of the data to determine which side of a stack of scintillating lithium glass contained the 6Li doping ( arXiv:1502.01392).

Undergraduate Students

Typically I hire one to two undergraduate students each summer to do research on either the Ultra Cold Neutron project, or on neutrino physics with T2K/Hyper-Kamiokande. Interested students are welcome to discuss possible reasearch projects with me. Some of my past students and their projects are described below.

Sean Hansen-Romu (seanhansenromu at )

Successfully obtained an NSERC USRA award for the past three summers (2012, 2013, 2014), and held the Canadian Institute of Nuclear Physics (CINP) summer research fellowship in summer 2014. He has worked on several aspects of the UCN project including: simulation of the scintillation of the neutron detector lithium glass, simulations of the ultra cold neutron dropping and magnetic field interactions. Currently he is working on his undergraduate thesis on a finite element analysis of the magnetic fields around a magnetized iron foil used for the spin analysis of the neutrons. This analysis will be compared to measurements of the magnetic field around a coil used to magnetize the iron.

Stephen Waldron (caepom at

Developed simulation tools to study the photons produced in the Hyper-Kamiokande mega-ton scale water cerenkov detector being planned in Japan (Summer 2014). The simulation code was added to a Water Cerenkov Detector simulation from Duke University, using Cern's GEANT4 particle physics simulation framework. He developed scripts for the SciNet compute cluster to produce and process over a Terabyte of simulated photons. The simulation output is used to build distribution functions used in the reconstruction of Cerenkov rings in Hyper Kamiokande (using the same code as used in the Super Kamokande analyses).

Leah Schellenberg (caepomat

Developed tools to study neutrino oscillations and compare different three flavour oscillation approximations as an honors thesis project. Over the summer 2013 she worked on developing code to interface a new water cerenkov detector simulation for Hyper-Kamiokande to the existing Super Kamiokande reconstruction programs.